After a difficult period where, unfortunately, many were affected in their flesh by this cursed virus, and some for a long time, I consider myself privileged to be in good health and to have been able to resume my sporting activities intensively. At this point, I would like to thank my sponsors: BMW, Michelin, ESAF, Alsim, ATM, Pima Air & Space Museum - who always kept in touch and continued to support me throughout this period of confinement and deconfinement.
On May 12, almost like a new birth, I flew back to my beloved sky and clouds.
The first moments of the aerobatics recovery were not necessarily easy. In spite of a strict physical training during the confinement, the body has to readapt to particular sensations and movements and the fatigue comes quickly.
So I was happy to find my baby Extra 330 F-HMEL. We also had to take care of the first steps or rather the first flapping of the wings of the new Extra 330 F-HUSA, which is destined to go live in the U.S.A., when the COVID will allow it. It's funny to know that in Czech language HUSA means OIE, so the flying goose, as in the beautiful film of Nicolas Vanier "Donne-moi des Ailes".
Quickly, the good sensations and reflexes came back, and I alternated positive and negative G's more easily. I am aware of the great freedom that I have to evolve in the pure sky in this anxious period.
Depuis le déconfinement en mai, ces derniers mois, en préparation des compétitions, avec d’autres pilotes, nous avons enchainé des stages d’entrainement dans divers endroits de France, avec notre coach Pierre Varloteaux. Beaucoup de travail, beaucoup de progrès, une bonne ambiance, de la volonté et de la préparation mentale au programme. Mais mieux que des discours, je préfère vous joindre des photos.
Unfortunately, shows, demos and competitions were quickly cancelled.
However, since then, some competitions have been reinstated or moved:
German Open / Extra Unlimited Aerobatics: August 26-30 - Welzow
French Championship: September 16-23 - Châteauroux
French Open: October 12-16 - Orange Plan-de-Dieu
I was able to go to Germany, for the Extra Unlimited Aerobatics Welzow airport, from August 26th to 30th. I had the great pleasure to meet again some pilot friends that I had not seen for so long. The weather during these 3 days was not good, a lot of wind, clouds, a low ceiling but despite everything, we managed to do the 4 programs + the freestyle. A lot of emotion for me, because I am 1st, the only woman of the competition on 12 participants. Successful baptism of fire for the F-HUSA extra, her very first competition!
I also had the pleasure to realize one of my little girl's dreams on the weekend of August 1st and 2nd. At the invitation of Benoit Abdelatif, I was able to participate in a car race, the Fun Cup on the Le Mans circuit. It is a race of VW Beetles on 8 hours, for which I ran with 3 teammates.
Next appointment thus in Châteauroux for the championships of France, and in spite of the strict sanitary conditions, the adrenalin it is sure will be well present.
I would like to be able to give you an appointment at one or the other of the championships, but it is impossible to know if it is possible. Despite this you all remain in my heart, I will fly for you, and more than ever we keep smiling.
